No More “Gummy” Smile: Gum Contouring Benefits

August 10, 2016 — by tbelnap
Tags: Gum Contouring Cosmetic Dentistry Laser Dentistry

A young woman smiling broadly after undergoing gum contouringAt PQ Family Dental, Dr. Tim Belnap and Dr. W. Brandon Jergensen are pleased to offer a comprehensive range of restorative and cosmetic dental treatments designed to transform the smiles of their patients. One of the most popular of the cosmetic dentistry treatments available at PQ Family Dental is gum contouring, also known as gum lift. This procedure enables patients with “gummy” smiles to achieve more aesthetically pleasing gum lines safely and permanently.

There are very few risks associated with the gum contouring procedure, yet there are a wealth of benefits for suitable candidates. Drs. Belnap and Jergensen would be happy to discuss gum contouring benefits with you during a consultation at their San Diego, CA dental practice. If you are dissatisfied with the appearance of your smile due to excess gum tissue that extends down onto your teeth, we invite you to schedule your initial consultation with one of our two esteemed cosmetic dentists by contacting PQ Family Dental today.

What Are the Benefits of Gum Contouring?

Gum contouring is one of the most transformative of all cosmetic dentistry procedures, offering many aesthetic benefits. Among suitable candidates, gum contouring:

  • Can be used to remove excess gum tissue: For patients who have excess gum tissue that extends down onto the teeth, gum contouring is a potentially ideal treatment. By safely ablating this gum tissue, our dentists expose more of the surfaces of the teeth, making them appear longer and more proportional to the smile and the other facial features. Excess gum tissue can also make even the cleanest teeth look dingy and discolored, which the artful removal of this tissue can help to address.
  • Can be used to create a more even gum line: Among patients who have jagged, uneven gum lines, gum contouring can be performed to create more even gum lines. Uneven gum lines can detract from an otherwise beautiful smile, making the teeth appear unhealthy and even crooked. By reshaping the gums, our dentists can reinvent smiles affected by uneven gum lines.
  • Is permanent: Once removed, gum tissue does not regenerate. When patients undergo gum contouring, they can expect that their gums will maintain their new shape. However, patients must be committed to keeping their gums clean and healthy so that they do not lose further gum tissue to periodontal disease.
  • Is extremely safe: Gum contouring is one of the safest forms of surgery, oral or otherwise, a person can undergo. Although there is some degree of risk associated with any surgery, gum contouring has a very low risk of bleeding and infection. Patients must be free from gum disease before they can undergo gum contouring surgery; however, provided that they are in good oral health prior to surgery, and that they are willing and able to follow all post-surgical instructions provided to them to the letter, the recovery period should be quick and incident free.

Learn More about Gum Contouring Benefits

If you would like to learn more about the potential benefits of gum contouring, please contact PQ Family Dental today.